Membership Terms

Membership Terms of Business

Membership Agreement: These rules and regulations form part of your membership agreement with us. Should you not abide by any of these we reserve the right to suspend or cancel your membership. I realise that I am exercising entirely at my own risk and waive any legal recourse for damages to myself, or property arising from my participation.

Categories of Membership
There are various categories of membership on offer and these are available only to those people who meet the eligibility requirements of that category. There are some restrictions placed on younger members and which facilities they are entitled to use. This is purely for their own health and safety.
There will be additional charges for bookings of the multi-purpose sports hall. Please see the selection titled ‘court bookings’ for further details. We may also charge for certain specialist classes eg. Pilates.

1. All members must have either an active Direct Debit mandate or have paid annually in advance for their memberships.
2. Each member is entitled to use the facilities as stated under the relevant category of membership. We reserve the right to change the facilities at the Club at any time. We may also withdraw all or any part of the facilities for any period where they are required for tournaments, exhibitions, maintenance or other activities
3. We will decide the opening and closing times for the facilities at the Club, which may change at any time. These times will be displayed at the Club reception.
4. It is the members responsibility to make us aware if they qualify for a specific membership category such as corporate. When relevant the member will be asked to supply ID upon joining. If the member fails to provide a copy of their ID within 14 days of their membership starting, they will automatically be upgraded to our peak membership until appropriate ID is supplied. The club is unable to authorise any refunds should these conditions fail to be adhered to.
5. Members on age specific membership categories will be automatically upgraded after a period of 1 calendar month of their birthday unless we receive notification instructing us to amend or cancel their membership.
6. Membership tariffs are reviewed on 1st September each year with any change notified to all members in advance.
7. Members using the fitness suite and the aerobics studio must be aged 16 years of age or over.
8. All new members must fill out a Pre Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ) and receive fitness instruction before commencing on their first gym workout and should thereafter follow their individual personal fitness programme. If during your membership you are diagnosed with a medical condition which may be affected by exercise, you must inform the club and fill out a new PARQ.
9. Inappropriate, foul and abusive language or behaviour is not accepted.
10. Members and guests are not permitted to wear football colours within the
11. The Club will supply you with a Westwoods wrist band, which you must bring with you each time you visit the Club. You cannot lend this device to another person and if you do so we reserve the right to terminate your membership. In the event of cancellation of membership we will not refund the joining fee or membership subscription.
12. If you lose your wrist band, we will charge you for the cost of a replacement.
13. Your membership is personal to you and you may not transfer it to another person.
14. Personal training at Westwoods is only permitted by prior agreement.

Cancellation of Membership
1. The Club reserves the right to cancel or suspend your membership if you break the membership agreement, if we believe that you are likely to break it or if you have not paid any amounts of money owed to us.
2. If you have purchased your membership online, you have the right to change your mind within 14 days of joining to receive a full refund providing you have not used the facilities during this time. The 14-day cooling off period commences the day of your membership start date which is stated on your membership agreement. The cooling off period is not applicable to in club joiners.
3. You may cancel your membership at any time by giving written notice to the General Manager at the Club. Please note that we require cancellation requests to be submitted by the 7th of each month in order for the membership to lapse at the end of the current month. Should your request be received after 7th, your membership will be processed for cancellation at the conclusion of the following month.
4. The joining fee and all monthly and annual membership subscriptions are non-refundable.
5. For members who joined before 8 June 2022 – The £10 deposit will only be refunded if the wrist band is returned in good condition, and all membership subscription and payments on your account have been settled.

Membership Freeze
1. If you pay monthly, your membership can be frozen for a minimum of a two month period and a maximum of five months within one calendar year. Notification must be received by the 15th of the previous month. Please note that monthly memberships can only be frozen by calendar month and a retainer fee will be incurred.
2. If you pay for your membership annually, you can freeze for a minimum of one month and a maximum of five months within a year. Two weeks notice must be given prior to the freeze starting.
3. If you decide to proceed with a membership freeze and subsequently choose to cancel your membership, kindly note that you will be charged for one full calendar month at your regular membership rate as notice. 
4. Members have the flexibility to freeze their membership for a minimum of 2 months, up to a maximum of 5 months, within a single calendar year. Annual members are eligible for a minimum freeze duration of one month. 
5. Please do not cancel your Direct Debit, as this will prevent the automated deduction of the £10 freeze fee from your account and could potentially lead to future complications with your Direct Debit setup.
6. We kindly remind you that we don’t have the standard practice of sending reminders regarding the date when your membership reactivates after the freeze period.
7. Please note that access to swimming lessons will not be available to frozen members. 
8. While your membership is on freeze, the usage of pre-purchased Personal Training sessions will not be available.  They can be utilised once your membership is active again. 
9. Keep in mind that while your membership is frozen, any online bookings will not be possible. If you wish to make a booking a week before your membership recommences, we kindly ask you to contact the club directly for assistance.

Swimming Pool
1. We can reserve the pool or the sports hall at certain times for adults only, events, school use or swimming lessons. These details will be posted on the Club notice board.
2. You and your guests will use the pool at your own risk. Children aged 8 and under must be accompanied by a member aged 16 or over and supervised in the pool at all times. See “Children” section for more details.
3. For health and hygiene reasons you must shower on entering the pool area, and shower after using the sauna/steam room before re-entering the pool.
4. Members should always follow the instructions of the lifeguards whilst in the pool area.
5. A full list of pool rules can be found on the swimming notice board and these must be adhered to at all times.
6. Swimming lessons are only available to members with a current subscription.

Sports Hall
1. Court bookings may be made up to seven days in advance by booking at the Club reception.
2. The Club may pre-book courts for tournaments, exhibitions and other social activities.
3. A cancellation fee will be charged to users cancelling bookings with less than 24 hours’ notice if we are unable to re-let the court.
4. If you are more than 10 minutes late for your booking the Club reserves the right to let the court to another user.

1. If you are aged 16 or over you may sign in guests to use the Club’s facilities as long as you pay the appropriate guest fee. Members must accompany their guests at all times.
2. A guest may use the Club a maximum of twice per month.
3. You are responsible for making sure that your guests are aware of and obey
by the Club’s rules and regulations. If this is not the case then the
management reserves the right to suspend/end your membership.
4. All guests must complete a guest form which includes a medical declaration
prior to entry, on every visit.

1. Children under the age of 16 are required to be supervised at all times whilst at the Club by a member who is aged 16 or over, unless the child is attending a pre-organised Club activity.
2. Children using the swimming pool who are under the age of 5 years must be supervised with an adult:child ratio of 2:1. Children aged 5-7 years should be supervised with a ratio of 3:1.
3. Children over the age of 8 who are competent swimmers may use the swimming pool unaccompanied as long as they are in the building with a member aged 16 or older.
4. Children under the age of 16 years may not use the fitness suite or take part in fitness classes.
5. Children aged 8 years or over must use the changing facilities designated for their own sex.
6. Children aged 6 and 7 years old may use either sex changing facility but are required to use a cubicle or the family changing room when changing in an opposite sex changing room.
7. Children aged 5 years and younger may use either sex changing facility in its entirety.
8. When using the brasserie please ensure all children are supervised closely by a parent or guardian to adhere to health and safety guidelines.

Fitness Suite
1. Each member is responsible for his/her own physical condition and should monitor their own health in relation to physical activity accordingly.
2. If any member feels unwell during exercise they should stop the activity and contact a member of staff immediately.
3. Drinks can only be taken in to the Fitness Suite in a sealed plastic water bottle.
4. Members are responsible for informing the Club of any changes to their health which affect their original PARQ.
5. Appropriate clothing and footwear must be worn at all times.

Studio Activities
1. Advanced bookings may be limited to one session per day. All classes should be pre-booked; this can be done up to seven days in advance. Pilates classes are an exception to this; please refer to the website for current booking policy.
2. Appropriate clothing and footwear must be worn at all times.
3. Drinks can only be taken into the aerobics studio in a sealed plastic water

1. Private parking is provided within Westwoods car park for all members whilst utilising the Club’s facilities for a maximum of three hours. The Club has systems in place to prevent illegal parking by non-members and overstaying members. The Club reserves the right to recoup any costs incurred by members who do not follow parking instructions which are clearly marked out and to fine users who break the rules.
2. Parent and Child parking should only be utilised by parents with children under the age of 8 whilst utilising a car seat. Parent and Child parking is provided between 0630 and 1800 daily.
3. All members should drive carefully within the grounds of Westwoods and obey the speed limit of 10mph. On approaching the car park gate, drivers should allow them to return to a closed position before approaching. Do not tailgate the car in front.